Why BrightSign?
Current technology to allow people with hearing or speech disabilities to communicate just isn’t good enough and doesn’t fit many of their needs. That’s why BrightSign Gloves has put so much time and effort into making their sign language glove as customizable and flexible as possible.
The only communication aid in the world that can translate any sign into any spoken language – instantly.
There are over 100 commonly used sign languages in the world, and thousands more personal variations. BrightSign gloves support any sign language – even one you created yourself!
However, it isn’t enough to just translate signs into speech – the voice recognition technology lets you read the other side of the conversation too, in any language you choose.
Intro to BrightSign
There are over 100 commonly used sign languages in the world, and thousands more personal variations. These gloves support any sign language – even your own variation! These gloves allow any gestures to be programed into a smart phone pad for both android and apple devices. Then when they are repeated, they convert the sign into any of 40 languages. This way if a parent knows what gestures from a child mean different things, then they can be programed into a variety of devices including a standalone speaker. The application will also capture the words that someone is saying and write them back as words that the user can read if they have that ability.
With over 450 voice choices, as well as options for different speeds and tone, you can make BrightSign sound exactly as you want: whether male, female, young or old.
Another great feature is that BrightSign has real-time translation and speaks over 30 languages, so you can speak with anyone from anywhere.
It isn’t enough to just translate signs into speech – BrightSign voice recognition technology lets one read or see the other side of the conversation too, in any language one chooses.
These gloves are not meant to replace ASL or be the only form of communication for individuals, but it can greatly enhance who they can communicate with.
If you would like a demo of the gloves, please contact us.
Take a look at the videos below for more information about the gloves.

There are over 100 commonly used sign languages in the world, and thousands more personal variations. BrightSign gloves support any sign language – even your own one!

With over 450 voice choices, as well as options for different speeds and tone you can make BrightSign sound exactly as you want; whether male, female, young or old.

Why stick to only speaking in one language? BrightSign has real-time translation and speaks over 30 languages, so you can speak with anyone from anywhere.

It isn’t enough to just translate signs into speech – the voice recognition technology lets you read or see the other side of the conversation too, in any language you choose.
Translate from any sign...
One of the biggest problems with existing solutions for those with hearing and speech disabilities is the fact that they all assume that everyone is the same. They are wrong.
With over 300 different formal sign languages being used in the world, and thousands more individual variations and sign systems, it simply isn’t good enough to support one or two languages and call it done.
BrightSign is a sign language glove that allows you to teach it ANY sign language library (such as ASL, BSL or Makaton) that you can think of, even one that you have made up yourself.

...into any language.
Why should a signer be limited to any one traditional spoken language for their communication?
You’re right – they shouldn’t. The BrightSign glove lets users use more than 40 different languages to translate their signs to, in real time while signing, even if they don’t know the language themselves.
With both spoken and text output, BrightSign sign language gloves even allows languages with different alphabets, like Arabic or Mandarin.
Electronic Caregiver
Electronic Caregiver- 24/7 Mobile Security and Care Support System
At McIlwain Mobility, we are committed to helping you and your loved ones, continue to live safely and independently in your home. We strive to bring you the latest products and innovative solutions for your individual needs and that’s why we’re very pleased to have partnered with Electronic Caregiver of Sacramento.
Caregiver Premier includes a Handheld Mobile Device and Wearable Wristband. Electronic Caregiver Premier utilizes both Global Positioning System (GPS) and Cellular Based Location Services (CBS) in order to find the user’s current location. It has a highly sensitive microphone and high-output speaker with adjustable volume. During an emergency, the system is activated and our 24/7 EMT operators open a two-way, hands-free communication link with the customer. Our highly sensitive microphones allow operators to hear clients anywhere the ECG Premier Handheld Mobile Device is, whether in your home or on the go. ECG Premier allows seniors the confidence to live longer, independently, and safely.
Electronic Caregiver provides 24/7 monitoring through the most advanced and expert staffed, dual location monitoring facility in North America. Our service expedites response to emergencies, provides continuous monitoring of your system’s diagnostic and performance features, notifies responsible parties of critical health information and events, and supports the continuum of care and customer safety.
Electronic Caregiver provides the most attractive, wearable wrist pendant available. Its lightweight, submersible, never needs to be recharged, and can be comfortably worn while sleeping or bathing. Our wearable is far more reliable protection and comes in a variety of exciting colors for a sense of style. Safe for sensitive skin and won’t interfere with medical devices. An optional wearable auto-fall detector is also available.
Using geopositioning technology we’re able to pinpoint your location so appropriate responders can be sent to aide you during a medical emergency, an injury emergency or in the event of security threat.
Electronic Caregiver Premier features a Medical Concern Button that connects users via two-way voice communication with our Class-B EMT Operators. Clients can press this button at the earliest signs of concern long before it
is deemed an emergency. We inform every patient that in the event of a questionable condition, press the Medical Concern Button.
Activity monitoring is a critical ingredient for security and customer care. Some emergencies don’t involve a fall. Some emergencies result in an incapacitated client, unable to press a button. Electronic Caregiver monitors two critical periods during the day to identify if customers are active. If we cannot verify activity, it may be a sign that the customer is in trouble or incapacitated. We will notify responsible parties when activity routines are broken to conduct a wellness check. Activity monitoring saves lives.