Wheelchairs are stable because you’re seated. But they’re clunky, often require assistance and keep you from full-body exercise, which ultimately makes your muscles and bones decline faster.
Rollators and walkers give you some autonomy, but cause over 47,000 people in the US to end up in an emergency room each year due to falls. That’s often because your weight is behind the device and when you lose your balance, your natural instinct is to side-step to recover – but walkers dangerously inhibit this movement.
The Zeen was designed with help from physical therapists to keep your center of gravity at the center of the device, like a wheelchair; but it keeps you active, like a rollator, without needing your hands to stay supported, which is the leading cause of fatigue in walker use. The result is a mobile device that’s both stable and agile, with full body support that lets you keep going.